FDA greenlights Neuroelectrics to help patients with Major Depression at home amidst Covid-19 restrictions
May 15, 2020
The FDA has given the green light to our at-home Depression therapy during COVID-19, offering personalized brain stimulation
Home Application of Non-invasive Neuromodulation: How does this work?
November 22, 2019
The appearance of new disruptive technology and the advent…
tES vs. TMS: pros and cons of the two techniques
November 6, 2019
At Neuroelectrics, we believe in the advantages and effectiveness…
EEG/tES closed Loop stimulation
October 24, 2019
Loop techniques rely in the hypothesis that the state of the brain is a decisive factor of the plasticity-induced effects produced by the stimulation.
EEG for Optimizing Communication Processes
October 17, 2019
Audiences seem to forget 90% of business content after…
Hybrid brain models: towards personalized models
October 8, 2019
What if doctors had a virtual version of their…
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