Welcome to Neuroelectrics Blog

    Can cortical networks be used to analyse EEG signals?
    August 10, 2015
    Broadly speaking, when we talk about analysing EEG signals,…
    July 22, 2015
    Since its first edition in 1994 Sonar Festival is…
    Moving Neuroscience out of the lab
    July 10, 2015
    Recently in Starlab we conducted some recordings out of…
    BCI Evolution-Exploring Opportunities
    June 24, 2015
    Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI) based technology is thriving and has…
    Support Vector Machines: What they do and their best ‘trick’
    June 5, 2015
    In the past years machine learning has been used…
    Get your brain fit
    May 25, 2015
    As I have explained in a previous post, we…