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The EEGLAB Plugin allows you to load binary NIC files (.nedf) and plain text files (.easy) from your Enobio® and Starstim® experiments directly into the most powerful MATLAB EEG toolbox. For easy analysis, the plugin includes the geometric coordinates of the electrode positions for the standard montages.

Technical specifications
  • · Matlab license: 8.1 (R2013a) or newer

    · Operating system: Windows / Mac OSX / Linux

    · TCP/IP connectivity between NIC2 and MatNIC2

Choose your system

Wearable wireless 8-channel system for targeted multi-channel tES stimulation and precise simultaneous EEG monitoring

Wireless high-density EEG medical system for high-precision diagnostic and research

Wireless medium-density EEG medical system for precise diagnostic and research

Wireless EEG medical system for precise diagnostic and mobile applications

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