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Can Pollutants affect our Physiological Rhythms?
In all cities, the air we breathe contains emissions from motor vehicles, industry, heating and commercial sources which have sometimes...
Oct 25, 20153 min read

From the lab to the Market: The experience lab
The path from lab research to the market is a tough one. Nearly all funding research calls ask you to report on your exploitation plans,...
Oct 10, 20155 min read

Solving BCI bottlenecks for medical applications
Medical BCI-based applications are still limited. Neuroelectrics is addressing most critical issues so that they can be effectively...
Sep 29, 20152 min read

On memory and why I (you) can’t remember what I (you) ate today
In psychology, memory is defined as the process by the brain stores and remembers information from the past. Classical psychological...
Sep 1, 20153 min read

Out-of-Body-Experiences and Neurosciences
“The easiest path is not always the best” Lobsang Rampa, The Third Eye Ever since I read when I was a teenager Lobsang Rampa's The Third...
Aug 14, 20153 min read

Can cortical networks be used to analyse EEG signals?
Broadly speaking, when we talk about analysing EEG signals, we are talking about how to use those time-varying signals to classify...
Aug 10, 20155 min read

Since its first edition in 1994 Sonar Festival is definitely one of the electronic music festivals you cannot miss. For its sixth...
Jul 22, 20153 min read

Moving Neuroscience out of the lab
Recently in Starlab we conducted some recordings out of the lab. We equipped some volunteers with a bunch of EEG, ECG and GSR sensors...
Jul 10, 20153 min read

BCI Evolution-Exploring Opportunities
Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI) based technology is thriving and has the potential of spreading into society by addressing the needs of...
Jun 24, 20154 min read

Support Vector Machines: What they do and their best 'trick'
In the past years machine learning has been used to address many different problems in neuroscience. When we talk about classification,...
Jun 5, 20153 min read

Get your brain fit
As I have explained in a previous post, we loose about 100 000 neurons per day. But this is not something to be really worried about,...
May 25, 20153 min read

Music from the brain: a new way of communication for patients with severe speech disabilities.
In this post I would like to introduce the concept of BrainPolyphony, a CRG Awards-founded project in which Centre de Regulació Genòmica...
May 8, 20153 min read

10 best data sources for neuroinformatics research
- Neuro... what? What on earth is neuroinformatics… you mean, bioinformatics? Indeed neuroinformatics takes inspiration from...
Apr 16, 20153 min read

Neuroelectrics Asian Tour
During the last 3 weeks, I had the chance to travel to 3 amazing cities: Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. The main objective was to attend...
Apr 6, 20152 min read

Visual Perception
The most important component of a digital camera is the image sensor. Nowadays CCD and CMOS sensors monopolise the digital market. Those...
Mar 31, 20152 min read

Consumer brain-computer interfaces, are we there yet?
In the last few weeks I’ve attended two very different events related to consumer BCIs; the "Wearables" session at MWC in Barcelona and...
Mar 19, 20153 min read
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