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Nov 6, 20195 min read
tES vs. TMS: pros and cons of the two techniques
At Neuroelectrics, we believe in the advantages and effectiveness of transcranial electric stimulation ( tES ) in treating numerous...
Oct 24, 20194 min read
EEG/tES closed Loop stimulation
Loop techniques rely in the hypothesis that the state of the brain is a decisive factor of the plasticity-induced effects produced by the stimulation.
Oct 17, 20193 min read
EEG for Optimizing Communication Processes
Audiences seem to forget 90% of business content after 48 hours and the little they remember is usually random information, not the...
Oct 8, 20195 min read
Hybrid brain models: towards personalized models
What if doctors had a virtual version of their patients with their respective pathologies? They could test any possible treatment and...
Sep 25, 20194 min read
Prediction for consciousness recovery in minimally conscious state (MCS) patients with tDCS
Is a patient responding or not responding to a new drug or treatment? This is an issue for physicians when deciding if a particular...
Aug 6, 20194 min read
Does brain training really work?
In the last few years, brain training is becoming a more salient concept for the general population – mostly due to the appearance of mobile apps that, like Lumosity, offer games for the enhancement of brain function.
Jul 2, 20194 min read
ExperienceLab doesn’t lie: objective access to the inner emotional world of your user groups in real time
How many times have you wondered how people feel while using your product or service? How many times have you wished to have this answer...
Jun 25, 20194 min read
AI meets Human Consciousness – Is there Machine Consciousness?
Last December, the Luminous<1> project organized a networking session at the ICT 2018 Exhibition, a central event of R&D activities in...
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