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NG Geltrode

The NG Geltrode is an EEG monitoring electrode with an innovative Next Generation design enabling scalp access once the headcap is on. This allows for comfortable skin preparation and gel supply in order to guarantee high signal quality of the EEG. The NG Geltrode is designed to ensure an excellent EEG measurement in standard wet setups using Signa Gel®.

Choose your system

Wireless high-density EEG medical system for high-precision diagnostic and research

Wireless medium-density EEG medical system for precise diagnostic and research

Wireless EEG medical system for precise diagnostic and mobile applications

The best in class wearable and wireless 32-channel system with tES stimulation and EEG monitoring capabilities

Wearable and wireless 20-channel system for targeted multi-channel tES stimulation and precise simultaneous EEG monitoring

Wearable wireless 8-channel system for targeted multi-channel tES stimulation and precise simultaneous EEG monitoring

Wearable and wireless 8-channel system for precise multi-channel tES stimulation

End-to-end system for remotely supervised home-based multi-channel tES clinical investigations

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