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NG Pistim

The NG Pistim electrode is a unique electrode that can be used for EEG monitoring and/or for transcranial electrical stimulation (tES). The NG Pistim is an Ag/AgCl electrode with a 1 cm radius that is based on the Next Generation (NG) assembling system. With its π cm² contact area, Pistim is ideal for multi-electrode stimulation protocols. In addition, due to its hybrid function, Pistim is optimal for experiments that combine tES with EEG.

Materials and geometry

· Pellet: 12-mm Ag/AgCl sintered

· Contact area: π cm² (circular)

· Assembling: next generation

tES stimulation function

· Waveforms: tDCS, tACS, tRNS, arbitrary tES

· Durability: 10h of tES

· Contact liquid: conductive gel

EEG monitoring function

· Durability: 50h of EEG

· Contact liquid: conductive gel


· Sold in bags of 8

Reference code

· NE029-P.08.MD:GV

Choose your system

Wireless high-density EEG medical system for high-precision diagnostic and research

Wireless medium-density EEG medical system for precise diagnostic and research

Wireless EEG medical system for precise diagnostic and mobile applications

The best in class wearable and wireless 32-channel system with tES stimulation and EEG monitoring capabilities

Wearable and wireless 20-channel system for targeted multi-channel tES stimulation and precise simultaneous EEG monitoring

Wearable wireless 8-channel system for targeted multi-channel tES stimulation and precise simultaneous EEG monitoring

Wearable and wireless 8-channel system for precise multi-channel tES stimulation

End-to-end system for remotely supervised home-based multi-channel tES clinical investigations

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