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The Neuroelectrics® Instrument Controller (NIC2) is an integrated environment for end-to-end management of Starstim® and Enobio® devices from your computer. This powerful platform offers basic and advanced modes to design and monitor any experiment involving electroencephalography (EEG) and/or transcranial electrical stimulation (tES). Moreover, it provides handy access to all relevant instructions for use of our systems and methods to integrate Neuroelectrics® devices in real-time with other systems.


NIC2 is a part of all Neuroelectrics® systems. In case of Starstim-Home® it can be used only to design protocols.


NIC2 is free for download at our website.

Operation modes

· Online mode: Perform and record interventions and experiments

· Offline mode: Review previously recorded experiment files

· Protocol editor: Create, adjust, export and import protocols

Operating System compatibility

· Windows: Vista / 7 / 8 / 10

· Mac OS X: > Snow Leopard & x86_64 processors

System requirements

· Processor: 1.6 GHz

· RAM: 2 GB

· Communication interface: WiFi / USB

· Screen resolution: 1280 x 768

Choose your system

Wireless high-density EEG medical system for high-precision diagnostic and research

Wireless medium-density EEG medical system for precise diagnostic and research

Wireless EEG medical system for precise diagnostic and mobile applications

The best in class wearable and wireless 32-channel system with tES stimulation and EEG monitoring capabilities

Wearable and wireless 20-channel system for targeted multi-channel tES stimulation and precise simultaneous EEG monitoring

Wearable wireless 8-channel system for targeted multi-channel tES stimulation and precise simultaneous EEG monitoring

Wearable and wireless 8-channel system for precise multi-channel tES stimulation

End-to-end system for remotely supervised home-based multi-channel tES clinical investigations

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