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Neuroelectrics® Stimtargeter

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Stimulation Parameters

Target data

Use the "Save" button in the Target Editor to download the file and attach it.

Attach your file *

Device info
Stimulation Cap Used
NIC Version
Type of stimulation

Please specify the maximum current intensity for any electrode in mA (≤2 mA)

Please specify the maximum total injected current intensity in mA (≤4 mA)

Describe in your own words the optimization problem. E.g., are certain areas to be avoided? Is this a multi-target problem? tDCS or tACS/tRNS? Is there a restriction in the number of electrodes to use?

Patient Information

Please introduce the patient identification code. This should be a label that uniquely identifies each patient in your study. If you are requesting a single optimization for the whole study/project, please insert a label that identifies it.

NEUROELECTRICS BARCELONA, S.L.U. collects and processes personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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